Spiritual conversations w/o d awkardness
from Student2Student Update #5:Spiritual conversations...without the awkwardness
Okay, let’s get honest. We want to have significant conversations about God and life and occasionally they happen, but not as often as we’d like. Now it may be that others aren’t interested in talking. But that is rarer than you think. According to national research, the chances are that four out of five of your classmates are open to talk about spiritual things.
So what keeps it from happening? It might be we are too busy or too afraid. Or maybe we just don’t know how to bring it up—how to break through the awkward “sound barrier” between ordinary interactions (school, sports, etc.) and spiritual conversations.
Here is a key word to help you breakthrough—“SOMETIME”. In a simple statement, it can test for spiritual openness. Here’s how. Simply say, “Sometime I’d love to hear what you think about spiritual things.” You have stated a simple and honest desire (you would like to know, wouldn’t you?), but “sometime” takes the pressure off the moment. You are not saying you want to talk now, just sometime. That gives them freedom to express (verbally or non-verbally) how open they are to talking. And experience shows, most students are very willing in a comfortable setting.
So let’s do a faith-experiment:
Pray that God will give many significant spiritual conversations in the weeks ahead.
Then step out in faith and let others know your desire—“SOMETIME”—especially those who are on your GO Fish! Card.
Pay attention to those who respond positively and begin to set up times for coffee and conversation (or coke, if you prefer.)
Oh, when you get together, what will you talk about?
Check out http://student2student.campuscrusadeforchrist.com/Tools.html
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it's a one of the websites by US campus crusade campus ministry to help u reach ur frens...
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