Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Harvest Is Ripe!

The time has come. We are VERY near our hour of a mighty spiritual awakening in our faculty.

I've just come out of a prayer meeting of waiting upon God and seeking His face, and He has impressed upon me very strongly that WE ARE SO NEAR REVIVAL. With so much that's happened this year - the many people in medical/dental/nursing who have been burdened for intercession, the visions and confirmations to so many individuals on separate occasions, the daily prayer meetings before and after school and the breakthroughs in evangelism and unity amongst Christian groups, we've been relentlessly looking for a time of breakthrough and asking the Lord to reveal His purpose for the faculty to us.

To those of you who've been burdened for revival, whether you're a 1st or 5th year medical student, whether in dentistry or nursing, whether prof or doctor... whether you've been burdened only in the recent weeks, or a year ago, or even 10 years ago, God is telling us that He will answer all our prayers, that THIS IS THE HOUR for revival. The time is NOW for us to unite in fervent intercession for our faculty, to pick up our spiritual weapons, to begin to commit whole-heartedly and press on until we see breakthrough, because it is at such a time as this that we have been promised: WE WILL SEE REVIVAL IF WE PERSEVERE.

We WILL see many in our faculties turning to Christ, lives being transformed, people repenting & desperately seeing their need for God, Medical, Dentistry & Nursing faculties being changed in extraordinary ways by God's power, NUS being impacted for Jesus... even people whom you'd never have dreamt of receiving Christ into their hearts doing so.

There will be a Harvest Rally on Thursday, 25th Jan, which will be a rallying call, a sounding of the trumpet to gather ALL Christians in Medical, Dental and Nursing faculties (students, profs AND doctors), to unite as one, to seek His face and pray for our land.

Let's spread the word to all Christians in Med/Den/Nur faculties together... Let's prepare ourselves to meet up with God, keeping the Harvest Rally and our faculties in prayer.

Details of the rally:
Date: 25th Jan 2007 (Thu)
Time: 6pm sharp - 7.30pm
Venue: LT29

"Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you,
open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." -
John 4: 35

Other verses to claim / pray with:
Matthew 16: 19
Matthew 18: 18-20
John 14: 12-14
1 John 5: 14-15,
Luke 10: 18-19
John 11: 40
Ephesians 3: 20
Matthew 21: 21-22
Matthew 9: 37-38


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